Saturday, April 30, 2016

A day on the Oregon Coast

Well we made it to Arizona! We are having so much fun with family here and staying super busy. But we definitely miss Ronnie. He spent the week driving across the country with his little brother, Clay. Really glad we didn't have to do that... It would have been a nightmare with 2 little kids. Although flying by myself and 2 kiddos was a little crazy too. Not looking forward to doing it again in a few more weeks when we fly to NJ.

So we had such a fun week when my mother-in-law, Val and sister-in-law Mae and her two kids came to visit us. I can't believe how many people we crammed into our tiny place but we did and it was a ton of fun. I'm so glad they got to visit before we moved. Probably one of my favorite things we did was drive to the Oregon coast and play on the beach. I'm sad it's probably our last time there. Such a beautiful place.We went to both Seaside and Astoria. Ruby had a blast and the whole week after that she kept asking for "beach!". It was adorable. We will definitely need to make a couple trips to the Jersey shore this summer.
^Seriously the funnest daddy/uncle. Even though the water was so cold they played so hard.
^Loves chewing on my keys. Gahhh the cheeks! 

^These two obviously had tons of fun playing in the sand. 
 ^Love these awesome people! We drove up to Astoria after Seaside and drove across that bridge you see in the background to Washington. So beautiful. Then we drove back and went up to the Astoria Column. I'm actually not exactly sure what it was but it seemed like an old lighthouse. We climbed up to the top and enjoyed the killer view. These kids were troopers.
 ^They are the best :) 
 ^Ronnie took this one. I like it, despite my cheesy grin :)
^These two were adorable. First looking for ladybugs and then picking flowers. Little girls are awesome.

So glad we got to go to the Oregon coast one last time! Hopefully we will back again someday. It was so fun having family in town and also seeing some of our favorite things one last time. We did a lot of other fun things during the week too like going downtown, the zoo, and the tulip festival! I may try and put together another post with more pictures. We had a good time. Hopefully people will come visit us in PA too!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Moving Back to the East Coast

So we are moving across the country again! It's like we must be good at this moving thing, right? But we are totally not. In fact I should probably be packing right now, but I am so unmotivated so instead I am writing this little blog post. The movers will be here Tuesday and I just started packing 2 days ago. Ronnie is also gone this whole week in New Jersey, so I am on my own and the bubs is being super clingy. We miss Ronnie! We are always kind of pathetic when we are on our own. He gets home Friday night, so it will probably be a crazy weekend of packing but we will get it done! So, anyways here are the details!

Ronnie got a promotion to facility manager in Flemington, NJ. This was where he was working before we moved to Portland, so he is already familiar with it. I am super proud of him. He has worked really hard and I'm glad he likes his job! We already found a rental. It's in Easton, PA, right over the NJ/PA border. It will be about a 35 minute commute which is a big improvement from where we used to live in PA where he commuted almost an hour. I will miss Ronnie's 7 minute commute in Oregon. I seriously got spoiled here. He would come home for lunch and he was always right there if we needed anything. We looked in NJ close to his work, but there was hardly any rentals and they were all really small and expensive. But the happy news is we can finally afford a little bit of space. We are getting a 3 bedroom townhouse with way more space to spread out. This is a big improvement from our tiny 2 bedroom duplex here in Oregon. I did love this little house but lately it has felt so cramped. I just wish our new place was in our old Bethlehem ward! But it's okay, we are excited to see our old friends again and be back in the charming Lehigh Valley! I am also really glad we don't have to start over completely again. We already know the area and some people, so that should make it a little easier of a transition! :)

I will be hanging out in Phoenix and Las Cruces until May 17th while we wait for all our stuff to arrive in PA. I will be flying on my own with the two kids! A little bit nervous about that! Ronnie is driving his truck across the country with his little brother and then will be working and staying in a hotel in NJ. I've learned from past experiences I don't want to stay in hotels with little kids!

One crazy thing is how I was stressing out hard core a month or two ago about renewing my nursing license. I decided to renew my PA license since it was cheapest, thinking I would never use it again and here we are moving back! I hope I can get my old job back. That would make things easy!

So in other news... My mac crashed. Super dead. Which really makes me sad because my pictures of my babies! And of course I was horrible at backing them up. So really feeling dumb about that! We are waiting till we get into our new place to figure out if we can save the hard drive. Anyways, Ronnie was a super awesome husband and sold his dirt bike, bought a cheaper one and with the rest of the money bought me a new PC laptop and DSLR. I have been wanting a nice camera for a long time so I am super excited! I really don't know much about it yet but it already takes way better photos than my iPhone that's for sure. I'm excited to learn more and take pretty pictures!

So I'm going to include some pictures from a little drive we took up to the Tillamook forest like 2 weeks ago. I brought my new camera and was just playing around with some of the settings. Nothing too fancy! Guys, Oregon is a beautiful place. We will definitely miss it! But also excited for this next adventure!

One more thing! We just had the most awesome visit from my mother-in-law, Val, sister-in-law Mae and her two kids. We seriously had so much fun. I am going to work on a blog post about it, because we did lots of fun things. So hopefully I can post it before we leave!

Thanks for the memories, Oregon! I will always remember this little house where we brought Beckett home and became a family of four. We met some really cool people here and will definitely miss it!