Thursday, October 26, 2017

Beckett James: 2 years old

I've been meaning to write this post for awhile, and I started but then I forgot! Beckett turned 2 years old last month! He is becoming such a big boy. I took him out the day before his birthday to Noble Woods Park, this really pretty park close to our house with the tallest trees and took some pictures. I will share some below. But first here's a little bit about our Beckett at 2 years old. I'm sorry it got a little long but I just started listing all the things I didn't want to forget about this cute kid. This blog has become my journal. I never want to forget this sweet time in our lives!

Beckett is so much fun. He is really sweet and cuddly. But he also has this in-grown sense that he needs to wrestle as much as possible. He tries to wrestle everyone in the family. Ruby does not appreciate this, haha. He loves to climb on top of our heads as high as he can go. We call him our sour patch kid because he goes from super sweet to not, so fast.
He is talking really well, and much more than Ruby at his age. Although she has really caught up lately. It's been fun having 2 year old conversations, something we were not used to. I'm sure it has helped being around an older sister. He still has funny ways of saying things, like "neh" for more and "ah ee" for open. For the longest time if you asked him what color anything was he would yell "YELLOW" really loud, but he is finally starting to say other colors too and get them right even. I think his favorite is still yellow though.
Whenever daddy goes to work he runs to the door and says "hug kiss". It's so sweet. I love when he tells me "I love you nonny". He loves working out in the garage with daddy, he calls dirt bikes "mo mo rides". He will say things like "I fix it" and likes to put nails and bolts into any little holes he can find. He also does that inside the house too, like how he stuffed marshmallows in the little holes in the vacuum, dinosaurs in the guitar, and pennies in the humidifier vent.
He loves dinosaurs, Choo choos, cars and motorcycles.
He will eat almost anything which is a relief especially since Ruby is so super picky. So I'm trying to keep that going. His favorite food is probably "cheese sticks" and strawberries.
Whenever he hurts himself at all, even if it's really little he will come to me saying "owie" and will not stop whining about it until I kiss it or acknowledge it in some way and then I'll say are you ok and he says "yeah" and he's fine then.
He is still a very big boy. At his 2 year check up he was 33 lbs (95th percentile) and 36 3/4 inches (95th percentile). He's wearing 2T-3T clothes.
I feel like we are doing a little better in the biting department, fingers crossed! It's been awhile since he bit anyone. I would get so nervous taking him anywhere with other kids. I have to watch him so closely so I can intervene really fast. Him and Ruby are getting along a little better lately. They even play together sometimes and it makes me so happy.
He began climbing out of his crib before he turned 2. So we took off the side of his crib, because we didn't want him to hurt himself. I was so sad because I wanted to keep him in the crib till he was 3. He used to go right to sleep. Now it is so hard. It is really difficult to get a toddler to stay in a bed! Help!! He has also stopped napping. That one was coming for awhile, but the crib situation sealed the deal. It's been a hard transition for me to not have a quiet time for myself, haha. We are still figuring this out. So funny how each kid is different and you have to figure things out all over again. But we sure do love this kid! All the time I can't believe how cute he is.

Ok that was a lot. And now here are a lot of pictures. We went out a little late so it was kind of dark and my pictures got a little blurry. But I still like them :) I am still getting the hang of my camera and this low lighting was good practice.
 ^One of his favorite moves
 ^ Super blurry but I feel like it really captures her personality. 
 ^That face! So Beckett. 
 ^This one is so Beckett too.
 ^Testing out his new vans, a birthday present!
^I love his cute little profile
^I love the progression of those photos
^I'm so glad they have each other to play with
 ^ I love this one, they were doing more crazy dance moves
 ^Gah, I love this one too 
 ^ Looking at his daddy here
 ^Glad I got a picture with his dimples :)
^ Love my girl, Ruby. She has gotten so BIG lately. In a lot of ways. Cant' believe we will have a 4 year old in less than 3 months.  

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The most beautiful Oregon beach day

I can't believe it is already September and we are getting close to fall and Beckett's 2nd birthday! We are really enjoying being back in Oregon. Although Ruby really misses her old house in Pennsylvania. She talks about it all the time. I am glad it felt like home to her! But hopefully it starts feeling like home in Oregon really soon too.

Thinking back on this summer, I am like wow that was a crazy ride. It had some great moments like Disneyland and visiting family/friends and Alpine. But also moving and a lot of strep throat that ended up with me getting my tonsils removed. :( The final straw on all that sickness was the first week we got to Oregon- me and the kids all had strep throat and I know I gave it to them. It was so sad. And I was sad/anxious that the doctor was probably going to tell me I needed my tonsils out (which he did). Now that I am 3 weeks out from the surgery I can finally say I am feeling good again!

I feel so grateful that the whole surgery experience was really good overall. I have never had surgery and I was so anxious. I really don't like being on the patient side. I ended up with a really good surgeon (especially for being new to town and having no clue where to go) and the surgery center was great too. Recovery was kind of up and down. I am so glad my mom could come help. I had this kind of scary bleeding episode 2 weeks after the surgery so I ended up being on a soft diet for longer than expected. I am finally eating more normal food now and I have never appreciated it so much! 

So I wanted to share some pictures from the most beautiful Oregon beach day ever. This was about a month ago before my surgery but when we were all feeling good. I love the Oregon coast but it's usually foggy and you definitely need a sweater. On this gorgeous day we tried out a new beach, Hug Point. It was so fun. It had a great sandy beach, some waterfalls from a stream, caves, tide pools, and rock formations. It was a great day. Here are some pictures!
^Ruby in her happy place. It's pictures like this that make me really happy I signed her up for ballet. We are starting this week!
^You guys I love this picture. Look at how Ronnie and Ruby are walking perfectly in sync!
 ^I love the poses she comes up with lately
^At low tide, there are all these little pools to play in

^So happy
^I love the little spring in his step here
^Already missing those curls!
^My guys!
^Ruby called this the spooky cave
^Another one that makes me happy I signed her up for ballet
 ^I kinda wish that was our dog, haha
^I was there too, haha.
And that's it! I have a feeling we will be going back to the beach very soon. Ruby recently got a "beach barbie" that came with a dolphin and surfing dog and has been asking to take Barbie to the beach several times a day. So that's probably what we will be doing this weekend!