Monday, July 3, 2017

Family pictures in AZ

So the beginning of June we took a family vacation to New Mexico and Arizona to see our families. Ronnie had a training for his work in NM and so we tagged along and got to have a vacation all together. It's been awhile in between all our moving the last few years. Speaking of moving, we are moving again if you haven't heard! We are going back to Oregon and will probably be in the Hillsboro area. It's been a lot of back and forth the last few years but this should be our last big move.  We got our official moving dates while we were on vacation. So since we got home it's been a scramble getting everything ready to go. Ronnie spent the last week driving to Oregon with his little brother while I packed here This weekend the movers are coming to pick up our stuff and the kids and I will go to Arizona while we wait for our stuff to get to Oregon. Once it gets there we will join Ronnie there probably sometime in August. It's crazy but we are kind of used to it.

While we were in Arizona, I asked my best friend Beverly to take some family pictures of us. I didn't know when we would have another chance to do it! Beverly has taken pictures for all our major life events.. wedding, babies... that's why I call her our "life photographer". I am super glad she lives in Phoenix, that way I can see her whenever I visit my family! The day we took these pictures, the high was only 92 degrees, which is great weather for Phoenix! Actually the whole time we were there it didn't get to triple digits till the last day. Beckett was so grumpy the whole time we were taking pictures, so I am amazed Beverly got so many good ones! Toddlers!! Thank you Beverly! Here are my favorites!

 ^She wanted to take every picture with this cow and butterfly she found at Grandma's house

^He's a little cherub

 ^ She was very excited we had matching "tutus" as she calls them

 ^You are allowed to feed the ducks whole grain cereal at this place, and it made us very very popular. It was actually kind of scary lol. 

 ^All of us smiling!!!! 

 ^That little foot pop! I love my Ruby!
 ^This was Beckett most of the shoot so we got into it too haha
^Love them. 

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