Monday, March 21, 2016

A spring day & other news

We had a couple of spring-like days! It was exciting. Funny how living in the PNW has made me appreciate the sun so much more! The pictures above were from Saturday when we went to check out Pirate park with daddy. Ruby is so obsessed with her daddy lately. In the morning she is yelling for him.. It's all daddy all the time. One Saturday when I got up a little later she tried to push me back, like go away, daddy is mine! At least I have the little bubbers! He loves me. Anyways, at the park she was having so much fun hiding from daddy. It was cracking us up. At one point, she crouched behind the tiniest little plant and covered her eyes. She thinks covering her eyes means she is hidden. And then her little walking stick, she was pretty excited about that. We even had to take it home with us.

Most of the week we were stuck inside because we are trying to potty train Ruby! It was going okay... but we haven't made much progress since the third day and I am getting stressed out so I might put it on the back burner for a few more weeks and try again. I'm trying to be really mindful because I don't want it to be stressful for her! So that's where we are at there!

And in other news, Beckett had his first bite of solid foods. As you can tell from that satisfied look on his face, he loved it. It was kind of on a whim... he's always trying to steal our food, and Ronnie was like can he have some of this avocado? And I thought why not? He's turning 6 months in a week anyways. We also tried some rice cereal last night. He enjoyed it but wasn't very good at opening his mouth for the spoon, so it was very messy. He's growing up so fast. How is he already almost half a year old?!

1 comment:

  1. He is in avocado heaven! Avocados are one of Gwen's faves.
